The question is: who is most productive between Generations X, Y, and Z. Let’s look at personal traits, work habits, and work environment. Some overall trends have been observed and might play a role.

Generation X, Born between 1965 and 1980, is regarded as the most productive cohort in the workforce. They have a reputation for being diligent workers driven by the pursuit of success and financial stability. Additionally, they possess excellent multitasking skills and can simultaneously manage multiple projects.

Generation Y, or Millennials born between 1981 and 1994, are often perceived as less dynamic than their predecessors. While they, too, value financial security, they place a higher priority on work-life balance and flexibility. As a result, traditional incentives such as promotions and pay raises are less likely to motivate them. However, Millennials excel in technology and are often innovative and creative thinkers.

Generation Z, born between 1995 and 2009, is the youngest to enter the workforce. Despite their relative inexperience, they have already begun to make their mark. They are the most technologically advanced generation to date, possessing a high level of comfort with change. Moreover, they are motivated by social impact and purpose, actively seeking workplaces that align with their values.

One study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that Gen X (1965-1980) employees were more likely to be rated as “highly productive” than Millennials or Gen Z employees. The study also found Gen X employees were more likely to stay with their employers for longer PERIODS.

Another study by the Pew Research Center found that Millennials were more likely to work from home than Gen X or Gen Z employees. The study also found that Millennials were more likely to use technology in their work than older generations.

These studies suggest that there may be some differences in productivity between the generations. However, it is important to note that these studies are just a snapshot of the workforce, and MANY OTHER FACTORS CAN affect productivity, such as the specific job, the workplace environment, and individual personality.

According to the Creditors Adjustment Bureau, as of 2020, there were 53 million Generation Xers in the workforce in the United States. This represents about 36% of the total workforce.

We can see from this data that the Baby Boomers born up until 1964 are leaving the workforce and being replaced by the latest generation, generation Z:

  • Generation X (born 1965-1980): 53 million (36%)
  • Generation Y (born 1981-1994): 56 million (35%)
  • Generation Z (born 1995-2009): 18 million (13%)
  • Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964): 41 million (26%)

Is it beneficial to send young employees to training to become more independent?

Absolutely! Many international companies offer programs to help young employees develop independence and gain valuable skills. Some examples of these companies are:

  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn has a program called “LinkedIn Learning” that provides access to online courses on various topics, including business, technology, and personal development. The program is available to all LinkedIn members, including young employees.
  • Google: Google has a program called “Grow with Google” that provides training and resources for employees of all levels, including young employees. The program offers courses on various topics, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership.
  • McKinsey & Company: McKinsey & Company has a program called “McKinsey Academy” that provides training and development opportunities for employees of all levels, including young employees. The program offers courses on various topics, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership.

If you are a business owner looking to invest in long-term employees, we recommend sending your youngest through one of the development programs. On the other hand, if you are looking for an independent short-term hiring, such as a sales agent or appointment setter, we recommend going for someone late in Gen X or early Gen Y for their independence.

For trouble-free hiring of a Norwegian sales support agent and customer success manager, please contact us today.